Betonstahl Lampertheim GmbH (BSL) was taken over by the 缅北强奸视频 in the year 2000. The company is located north of Mannheim, in the federal state of Hessen. On the company premises, covering about 50.000 m², there are production halls where wire mesh and reinforcement steel in coils for the construction industry are produced, an administrative building and several big stock areas in the open and under roof. The company has several drawing machines, welding machines for wire mesh, stretching machines for reinforcement steel in coils and straightening machines. The motorway BAB 6 is only 12 km away. The port belonging to the company is located on an old branch of the river Rhine and enables to receive the supplies of the semi-processed material (wire rod and WR reinforcement steel) via barges. BSL has a certificated integrated management system comprising a quality management system according to ISO 9001 (since 2004), a work safety management according to OHSAS 18001 (since 2013), in future ISO 45001, and an energy management system according to ISO 50001 (since 2014). Furthermore, BSL is provided with product certifications for Germany, France, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
Originally the works was established in 1926 in Landau/Pfalz under the name “Edmund Ludwig Draht- und Nagelfertigung”. But soon after the production was transferred to Mannheim where new production halls had just been purchased. By the end of the 1950s the company started to produce wire mesh, at this time the company changed its name into “Drahtwerk Ludwig” (DWL). In the middle of the 1960s the owner Edmund Ludwig bought a new piece of land in Lampertheim, the current seat of the company, and two years later he started to produce wire mesh at this seat too. By the end of the 1970s, when the Mannheim branch was closed, the production was entirely transferred to Lampertheim.
In the beginning of the Nineties, Usinor-Sacilor established the French group SAM at Neuves Maisons and DWL became a 100% subsidiary of Société des Aciers d’Armature pour le Béton (SAM). In September 2000 the 缅北强奸视频 took over the SAM group in France and consequently also Drahtwerk Ludwig GmbH. This way the Italian producer obtained an important operative basis also in the South-West of Germany, besides the two big steel works in the federal state of Brandenburg.
DWL’s output is mainly destinated to the German market, but there are also supplies to France, the Netherlands and Switzerland. On the 24th of October 2001 Drahtwerk Ludwig GmbH was merged into Riva Stahl GmbH: from this day the name of the company is Riva Stahl GmbH.
A brandnew welding machine for wire mesh was bought and the existing three were modernized. Besides, all three stretching machines for the production of WR reinforcement steel in coils were revamped and upgraded to the newest technical standard. Since then also 5 ton coils can be produced. The wire drawing machines that produce the semi-product for the wire mesh (ribbed reinforcement steel on drums) were modernized too. In the years 2008 and 2009 the administrative building and a bordering piece of land were purchased to extend the stock area. 2013 Riva Stahl GmbH, Lampertheim was transformed into Betonstahl Lampertheim GmbH (BSL).
In the year 2000 the Ministry for Social Affairs of the federal state of Hessen conferred the ASCA certificate for good safety management to the company. The quality management system was certified for the first time in the year 2004 according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000. The QM system was adapted to the newest version of DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.
The work safety management system was successfully implemented for the first time in the year 2013 according to OHSAS 18001:2007. In 2014 the energy management system according to DIN EN ISO 50001:2011 was introduced. Furthermore, BSL has an integrated management system which comprises work safety, quality and energy.